- Address: 2425 Olympic Blvd, Suite 500 East, Santa Monica, California 90404, USA
- Telephone Number: (310) 315-2200
- Facsimile Number: (310) 315-2201
- Business: Manufacturers
- Products: Solar Concentrating Thermal Systems
- Web Site: http://www.solar-reserve.com
- SolarReserve was formed to solve two of the fundamental barriers of renewable energy: scalability and storage. Unlike hydroelectric, geothermal, biomass, and other renewable energy technologies that use limited renewable fuel sources, SolarReserve's power plants draw their heat from the sun - earth's ultimate source of clean energy. And unlike wind and photovoltaics, SolarReserve's power plants can deliver power whenever it is needed, either 24 hours per day or only during "peak" demand. By over