Solar Wholesale Products
- Address: 605 Washington Ave, North Haven, Connecticut 06473, USA
- Telephone Number: 877-392-8978
- Facsimile Number: 877-392-8978
- Email: Send Email to Solar Wholesale Products
- Business: Retailer, Wholesale Distributors, wholesale distribution
- Services: Wholesale Distribution
- Products: Solar Energy
- Web Site:
- Solar Wholesale Products is an East Coast Distributor of Solar Panels, Inverters and Balance of System components, We pride ourselves on providing superior customer service.
Solar Wholesale Products is dedicated to providing and distributing solar products, parts and accessories to both retail and wholesale solar energy customers. Our distribution network is located on the East Coast which saves you time by getting your products quickly and money with lower shipping costs. For technical questions or a personalized quote please call 877-392-8978. We are proud to have a knowledgeable and responsive staff of solar professionals to serve you