- Address: 2086 E. STREET, HAYWARD, California 94541, USA
- Telephone Number: 510-677-3092
- Business: Retailer
- Services: Installation
- Products: Solar Panels, Solar Photovoltaic Systems
- Web Site: http://mbgnewyorkelectric@gmail.com
- MBG New York Electric Company is a family own manage business and License by the state of California C10B-905874 and will expire on Oct. 10, 2011.
MBG NEW YORK ELECTRIC was doing electrical service and construction, like repair and installation of new wiring and all aspect of electrical works from big to small, also with new wiring installation.
MBG New York Electric Company was involve with grid alternatives organization for volunteering for solar installation which providing solar installation to low income family.
- and with solar U-Save company that utilizing solar as supplier or as distributor.
- and with Green earth engineering corporation which utilizing solar panels as designer and installer or distributor