Line Solar Energy Industry Limited
- Address: 4/F, C Block, Jinyuan Industrial zone, Longgang district, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
- Telephone Number: +86 755 6129 3715
- Facsimile Number: +86 755 6129 3516
- Business: Manufacturers
- Products: Solar Battery Chargers, Solar Landscape Lights, Solar Post Lights , Solar Spot Lights, Solar Street Lights, Solar Consumer Gadgets and Toys, Solar Traffic Lights, Battery Charger Integrated into Bags, Portable Folding (or Roll) Power Unit, Underground Lights (Surface Level) , Pool Lights (Floating Lights), Garden Lights (Medium Height), Street Lights, Lanterns, Torch, House Names and Numbers, Security Lights (with Motion Detection), Traffic Signs and Lights, Traffic Studs
- Web Site: http://www.linesolar.com