The Source For Renewables™

IDRISS Green Energy

Address:    Sulieman Bin Abdul Malek, Juret Al-Shayah, Hawaii 1202, Syria
Telephone Number:    +963-31-2233385
Facsimile Number:     +963-31-2223518
Email:     Send Email to IDRISS Green Energy
Business:   Importers, Wholesale Distributors
Services:   Design
Products:   Evacuated Tube Collectors, Solar Energy, Solar Thermals, Solar Hot Water Heaters
Web Site:
IDRISS Green Energy is a leading company of green energy solutions, and technology, which own the brands : SMILING SUN Solar Water Heater Systems . IDS Micro Controllers. A-TK Micro Controllers . SMILING SUN Evacuated Tubes Collectors . In Syria and the Middle East.

"IDRISS Green Energy"  designs and builds the highest performing solar energy systems in the industry. They range in size from 1 kilowatt to over 1 megawatt, and power businesses, government and agricultural facilities, and homes.

Our team has extensive experience and a passion for the business. We closely link modeling, building, and monitoring to provide solar solutions with the highest return on investment. We have built solid relationships with the top vendors in the industry, which enables us to get the solar panels and materials needed to build systems on schedule. Our premier in-house design and installation teams deliver care-free, turnkey solar systems to our customers, who love our world-class customer care.

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