Dunmore Corporation
- Address: 145 Wharton Rd., Bristol, Pennsylvania 19007, USA
- Telephone Number: +1 973 8353882
- Facsimile Number: +1 215 3076036
- Email: Send Email to Dunmore Corporation
- Business: Manufacturers
- Products: Solar Panel Films, PV Backsheet Laminates
- Web Site: http://www.dunmore.com
- Dunmore Corporation is a film converter specializing in metallized film, coated film & laminated films. We have been manufacturing photovoltaic materials for aerospace applications for over 30 years and have transitioned into PV backsheet materials for terrestrial applications. We manufacture PV backsheets for thin film and traditional solar modules including c-Si, CIGS, a-Si, CdTe, DSSC, CPV and others.